Procedures for Application for Publication

in the Organization Repository

The Japanese Neural Network Society started registration of the organization repository (republication) so that articles, explanations, and the like published in the The Brain and Neural Networks can be freely read at university libraries and so forth to which authors belong.
If your organization desires registration, please apply in accordance with the following procedures.

≪Procedures for Organization Repository Registration≫
 First, read here
Application Form (Form 1)
Permission Form (Form 2)

●Enter the necessary information in the application form and permission form, and send them to the Secretariat of the Society by mail or e-mail (attached files).

 Mailing Address
 Japanese Neural Network Society, Secretariat In Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute
   820-0067 680-41 Kawazu, Iizuka-shi, Fukuoka

●The Secretariat of the Society will confirm whether the articles, explanations, and so on are to be registered (refer to Note); if they can be registered, the permission form shall be sent.

●An applying organization shall obtain the manuscripts of articles and so forth from the authors of the permitted articles, explanations, and so on (the final manuscripts submitted to the editorial secretariat of the Society) and shall register for repository.

(Note)Articles, explanations, and so on that can be registered for repository are as follows.

 ○Those published in The Brain and Neural Networks after September 2006

 ○Provided, however, that “explanations and so on” shall be those for which a      year has passed since their publication in The Brain and Neural Networks.

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