(Established: January 1, 2003)
(Partial Amendment: September 20, 2006)
1. If a person was approved for membership, he/she shall be registered in the List of Members and will receive notice to that effect,
and his/her name shall be published in the Journal of the Society.
2. If a Member lost his/her qualification, the member’s name shall be removed from the List of Members.
3. Honorary Members shall be treated in accordance with the “Regulations for Honorary Members” to be determined separately.
4. If an application for a change in units borne by a Support Member is approved, the Support Member will be notified.
5. If a person who was approved for withdrawal desires to be readmitted, he/she must carry out the procedures outlined in the Regulations of the Society,
Article 10 in the same manner as applying for a new admission.
Provided, however, that the person enters the prescribed items in the application for admission and specifies the date of withdrawal in the Remarks column.
6. If the person who falls under the Regulations of the Society, Article 14, paragraph 1 loses his/her qualification for Member under the Regulations of the Society, Article 12, paragraph 4, desires readmission,
he/she must carry out the procedures outlined in the Regulations of the Society, Article 10 in the same manner as applying for a new admission, upon full payment of the unpaid membership fees.
Provided, however, that the person enters the prescribed items in the application for admission and specifies the date of loss of qualification and the reason for such loss.
7. If a Student Member lost his/her qualification and desires to change the qualification to Regular Member, the person must carry out the required procedures for readmission by the end of December in the year after losing his/her qualification.
The required procedures consist of submitting an application in writing or by e-mail and paying the Regular Member annual membership fee.
8. The person who lost his/her qualification for Member under the Regulations of the Society, Article 12, paragraph 2 and who falls under the Regulations of the Society,
Article 14, paragraph 2 and lost his/her membership under the Regulations of the Society, Article 12, paragraph 4,generally will not be readmitted.
9. The President and Director in charge of Finance shall investigate the changes in Members at the end of every year in accordance with the Regulations for the Society, Article 39 and will report his findings to the Board of Directors.
10. Amendment of these Regulations shall require a resolution of the Board of Directors.
Supplementary Rule
These Regulations shall be in effect as of January 1, 2003.