Instructions to Authors




Official Journal of


The International Neural Network Society

The European Neural Network Society

The Japanese Neural Network Society


Aims and Scope

Topics Include

The Journal Features

Neural Networks Letters Submission

Current Opinions Submission

Contributed Article Submission

Copyright Guidelines

Letters to the Editor

Current Events

Book Reviews

Manuscript Preparation




Neural Networks is an international journal appearing nine times each year that publishes original research and review articles concerned with the modeling of brain and behavioral processes and the application of these models to computer and related technologies.  Models aimed at the explanation and prediction of biological data and models aimed at the solution of technological problems are both solicited, as are mathematical and computational analyses of both types of models.  Neural Networks serves as a central, interdisciplinary publication for all researchers in the field and its editors represent a range of fields including psychology, neurobiology, mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering.





Associative learning

Pattern recognition

Cooperative and competitive network dynamics

Short-term memory and long-term memory

Parallel distributed processing

Local circuit and systems analyses of brain-behavior relationships

Vision and image processing

Speech and language processing

Cognitive information processing

Sensorimotor control and robotics

Combinatorial optimization

Electronic, optical, hybrid, and devices and neurocomputers




Neural Networks Letters:

 Exceptionally important new research results for which rapid publication is justified, reviewed immediately by one editorial board member.


Current Opinions:

 Exciting short opinions on topics relevant to neural networks research.


Contributed Articles:

 High-quality, peer-reviewed research investigations that represent new and significant contributions to the field.


Invited Articles:

 As solicited by the editorial offices.< /span>


Letters to the Editor:

 Presenting comments on papers published in the Journal and other matters of interest to neural network professionals.


Special issues:

 Covering various topics of interest to neural network professionals.


Book Reviews:

 As solicited by the editorial offices.



 Providing commentary on matters significant to the neural network community.


Current Events:

 Providing notices of forthcoming meetings, courses, and other events relevant to neural network professionals and society members.


Software Surveys:

 Encouraging the open exchange of information on software programs unique to this field.



 Information on new patents.