- Kenji Okajima
“Two-dimensional Gabor-type receptive field as directed by mutual information maximization”
Neural Networks, vol.11, No.3, pp.441-447, 1998 - Shigeru Kitazawa, Tatsuya Kimura and Ping-Bo Yin
“Cerebeller complex spikes encode both destinations and error in arm movement”
Nature, vol.392, pp.494-4978
- Ken-ichi Tanaka and Kazuo Kyuma
Artificial vision chip for industrial applications
ICONIP98, pp.48-49
Shiro Ikeda and - Noboru Murata
A method of blind separation on temporal structure of signals
ICONIP’98, pp.737-742
- 鮫島 和行(科学技術振興事業団)
“Adaptive state space formation in reinforcement learning” - 山本 純(慶大・理工)
“The effect of hippocampal activity to auditory evoked responses in guinea pig revealed by optical imaging” - 舘野 高(大阪大学大学院)
“Characterizing the spontaneous activity in developing networks of cultured rat cortical neurons”